London pacific can determine if there is wind-up potential or redevelopment value in your strata corporation. Our dedicated team has the experience to smoothly manage the process and bridge your wind-up opportunity to a premier developer.

Assessing the potential
Does your Strata Corporation have the potential to capitalize on significant profit opportunities? Is your Strata facing expensive special levies?
Our dedicated team will provide a preliminary assessment of your property to get the conversation started.
Engagement, communication and onboarding
Our first step is an information session for all Strata owners and Council. Assessments include our process, timeline and key considerations learned from other strata corporations.
With you and your ownership informed, a Special General Meeting gives the strata council the authority to sign an exclusive listing agreement with London Pacific.
Now our team can get to work, market the property and unlock the value within.

The London Pacific formula for success
- Our 3-pronged approach provides experience and collaboration: Legal, Brokerage, Strata Council
- Development feasibility studies, proforma evaluations, and a tailored strategic plan
- In-house digital design and professional marketing
- Vetted network of Developer Buyers
- Goal driven negotiations
- Time sensitive communications, ongoing owner conferencing and info sessions

Does my Strata have wind-up potential?
If you would like to learn more about the Strata wind-up process, ask our experienced commercial brokers.
Ari Gelmon
Alexander Lougheed
Blair Stewart
Ben Williams
Dean Andag
Daniel Link
Grant Gardner
Isaac Foord
Joe Hawboldt
Jerry Lee
Keath Williams
Lucas Chavez
Thomas Trowbridge
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